Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4),

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

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Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Free PDF Ebook Online Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation is the fourth in the series of Synopses of Conservation Evidence, linked to the online resource

This synopsis is part of the Conservation Evidence project and provides a useful resource for conservationists. It forms part of a series designed to promote a more evidence-based approach to biodiversity conservation. Others in the series include bee, bird, farmland and bat conservation and many others are in preparation.

Approximately 32% of the 7,164+ amphibian species are currently threatened with extinction and at least 43% of species are declining. Despite this, until recently amphibians and their conservation had received little attention. Although work is now being carried out to conserve many species, often it is not adequately documented.

This book brings together and summarises the available scientific evidence and experience relevant to the practical conservation of amphibians.

The authors consulted an international group of amphibian experts and conservationists to produce a thorough summary of what is known, or not known, about the effectiveness of amphibian conservation actions across the world.

"The book is packed with literature summaries and citations; a veritable information goldmine for graduate students and researchers. It also admirably provides decision makers with a well-researched resource of proven interventions that can be employed to stem/reverse the decline of amphibian populations." -John G Palis, Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2083515 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland


The book begins with six pages briefly describing the methods the authors used to identify and locate published studies, and to systematically quantify their results. The authors summarize evidence for nine threats (Residential and Commercial Development, Agriculture, Energy Production and Mining, Transportation and Service Corridors, Human Disturbances, Habitat Modification, Invasive Species, Pollution, and Climate Change) and four solutions (Habitat Protection, Habitat Restoration, Species Management, and Education and Outreach). All topics are focused on practical hands-on actions; the book does not reference any modeling studies, does not address policy efforts, and does not discuss ethical considerations. The book would have benefitted from a summary chapter that gave an overview of success for each topic and taxonomic group. Skimming through the extensive examples, I concluded that we have had inconsistent results in our interventions to conserve amphibians, despite varied approaches in numerous systems. It was sobering to realize that even habitat protection efforts―considered as close to a sure thing as we get in conservation―are often not assessed, and are only partially successful.

To demonstrate how the book is organized, I summarize the chytridiomycosis abatement strategies, listed under the Invasive Species section. This section included eleven actions that attempted to reduce chytridiomycosis: two reducing geographic spread, three reducing amount of Bd in the environment, and six reducing infection load on amphibians. The authors provided (a) a short overview, (b) a statement of reported successes, (c) a brief background summary, (d) a few pages of text describing each article's findings, and (e) references. It would have been nice if the authors included some sort of gap analysis identifying actions that have not been tested. I thought readers would have benefited if the authors provided details on the original causes of declines, what kind of effort went into finding unreported and unpublished failures, and whether interventions were designed to address those original threats or were only able to assess net changes. It would also be helpful if the authors discussed whether effective interventions would likely work for other species or in other areas. As in most cases in conservation biology, the devil is in the details, and because many of the details are not included, it's hard to assess the assessment.

A good example of the importance of details is the section on Species Management. In this section, two approaches are described: translocations and ex-situ conservation (e.g., captive breeding, rearing, and releases). Translocations are organized by taxonomic group (i.e., frogs, toads, salamanders), which shows the incredibly small number of such studies and the bias towards three species: Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), Natterjack Toads (Epidalea calamita), and Great Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus). Success was qualified by the type of persistence, the length of persistence, and the percent of attempts that persisted for some amount of time; only one study mentioned that a population was self-sustaining. The authors use the original study to define success rather than adopting a universal definition. Consequently, projects that they identify as successful may not actually result in self-sustaining populations. Sections on captive breeding and release are also organized into sections on frogs, toads, and salamanders with most studies conducted on three other species: midwife toads (Alytes spp.), harlequin frogs (Atelopus spp.), and Green and Golden Bell Frogs (Litoria aurea). Here's where I'd want to know what the original threats were that led to captive breeding and also what has been done, but not published. For example, in the case of the harlequin frogs, we know they are in captivity because of chytridiomycosis, but the book does not mention this. Do they breed in captivity? Yes! Is it a success? Well, maybe. We don't really know how many Atelopus species were brought in to create captive assurance colonies but failed and were never reported in the literature, or even the degree to which the facility tried to establish large captive populations. We also don't know why they failed; there are many practical reasons why organizations do not even attempt to breed their frogs (limited space, time, funding, interest). Negative results, details on causes of failure (lack of knowledge, resources, patience, policies), and what the stated objectives of holding captive assurance colonies were are what we need to determine effectiveness. The details of how we define success are critical to assessing the efficacy of our conservation efforts, and those details are glossed over here.

In terms of mechanics, the writing is simple, straightforward, and factual, but not especially engaging, as it avoids any personal ideas or synthesis statements, focusing instead on reproducing the original information. I found few errors in the sections I read and the presentation was balanced and uncontroversial. The layout is not especially attractive as the book completely lacks images, graphics, tables, figures, and color. The book also uses small fonts, and many styles and formats of headings and subheadings, but without figures or tables to break up the text, I found it easy to get lost. A more serious complaint is the lack of a combined literature cited for the whole book.

This book and online journal will be excellent resources for those looking to get up to speed on what actions have been attempted to conserve amphibians and the outcomes of those efforts. It will be a valuable guide for graduate students interested in evaluating evidence for effective amphibian conservation, and is sure to generate new approaches, critical analyses, and discussions. The free online version makes this especially valuable for conservation practitioners and students from all countries, and should facilitate real-time updates as new studies are published. More than anything, this book reveals the surprisingly large number of species, regions, and threats that have yet to be tested, the need for critical assessment and discussion of “success,” and a realization of how much work we have to do.

(Karen R. Lips Copeia)

This book attempts to summarize all of the published evidence relating to conservation interventions aimed at amphibians and specifically, where interventions have been quantitatively monitored. This ranges from very small specific interventions such as the introduction of artificial hibernacula to wide ranging interventions such as the Million Ponds Project in the UK. No attempt is made to make recommendations, merely to lay out the evidence in an easy to read and easy to find format in a way that can help decision makers at a local, national or international scale make more informed judgements as to the most effective measures to implement. The first half of the book is arranged into chapters that each relate to a specific threat such as climate change, transport networks, agriculture and pollution whilst the second half examines the impact of habitat management, species management (captive breeding and translocations) and education and awareness raising.

One of the big plus points of this book is that it is very easy to establish if there is evidence available about a particular subject and where to find the source material. In this respect it serves its purpose well. However, it is intriguing to examine whether the book can actually be applied by land managers or those giving advice to land managers to fine tune the management of sites for their amphibian populations. The Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group regularly gives advice to a wide range of organisations and individuals about managing ponds and terrestrial habitat for amphibians and most of the advice is based around generally accepted best practice guidance. At least 90% of advice is covered by just a few basic principles. In other words, creating ponds is good, and almost always more cost effective than managing existing ponds, discouraging birds and fish is useful, maintaining structurally complex terrestrial habitat will help and not moving the widespread amphibians around except under exceptional circumstances is the best option. So, could this book confirm that this is sound advice based on well established, published literature or just the ramblings of well meaning amateurs that is at best ineffective or in a worst case scenario, counterproductive?

Things started well, pond creation gets a resounding thumbs up though the success of specific species depends upon the kind of ponds created and some studies have expressed doubt that the creation of ponds specifically for translocated species leads to self-sustaining populations. In contrast, evidence suggests that pond restoration can have mixed effects on existing amphibian populations. Fish control similarly has good evidence to back up its effectiveness though the use of piscicides can also kill off amphibian populations. The evidence to support other interventions is less conclusive as the example of excluding waterfowl shows. The book simply states that ‘We captured no evidence for the effects of preventing heavy usage or excluding wildfowl from aquatic habitat on amphibian populations.' Herein lays the challenge of writing a book such as this. The complexities of amphibian habitat management and the impact of interventions on a range of species mean that there simply isn't enough published information to fully inform a land manager. Other examples, particularly broad ranging interventions such as introducing a grazing regime or the management of terrestrial habitat have evidence of both success and failure. This simply illustrates that for most interventions it is the fine-tuning of management techniques and regimes that yield success rather than simply the type of intervention itself. In short, this book provides a useful starting point for justifying specific interventions (or not intervening) and can help direct the reader to further information.

One of the conclusions it is impossible not to draw from reading this text is that there are still significant areas of amphibian conservation that are not covered by scientific literature. This is exemplified by the lack of evidence for either protecting brownfield sites or habitat connectivity having a positive impact on amphibian populations. It is a challenge to summarize so much information into one relatively small book and even more of a challenge to make sense of what all the data means. This book is a useful tool and perhaps an ideal first step for identifying or rejecting potential interventions for amphibian conservation but does not provide all of the answers to making the most of the limited resources available for amphibian conservation. That would just be too simple wouldn't it?

(Mike Phillips The Herpetological Bulletin)

The global amphibian decline crisis, first noted in 1989, has stimulated a huge amount of conservation activity across the world, much of it building on existing conservation efforts focused on local concerns about amphibians. In Britain, for example, realisation that amphibian declines are a global problem gave fresh impetus to efforts to reverse the widespread destruction of amphibian breeding ponds that has occurred, as a result of changing agricultural practices, since World War II. A key question raised by all this activity is: does it work?

This remarkable and very important book addresses this question. It is a product of the Conservation Evidence project, an initiative that pursues an evidence-based approach to determine the effectiveness of the many and various interventions that have been made across the world to conserve biodiversity. The Conservation Evidence project produces an open-access journal, Conservation Evidence, maintains an expanding database, and compiles detailed synopses on specific topics, of which this book is the fourth to be published. It is the product of an enormous effort of scholarship, covering 107 different interventions that have been made to conserve amphibians around the world, and analyzing the result of 416 studies. Only studies in which the outcome of interventions has been assessed are included. Sadly, a great deal of conservation effort has been conducted over the years, the success of which, for lack of motivation or funding, has not been evaluated. A majority of studies come from Europe and North America and thus deal with temperate species.

The book is divided into 14 sections, representing major areas of conservation activity. These include: agricultural landscapes, the use of biological resources (including amphibians themselves and the habitats in which they live), countering the impact of invasive species (including chytridiomycosis), pollution, and habitat creation and restoration. A large section deals with all aspects of relocating amphibians, rearing them in captivity and releasing them into the wild. A final section discusses education and awareness raising. The book contains a mass of detailed information, concisely presented and with virtually no discussion. The reader is left to reach his or her own conclusions on the basis of the evidence presented. It is by no means ‘easy reading' but it is an invaluable resource for anyone contemplating doing something useful to help amphibians.

In keeping with an evidence-based approach, the tone of this book is measured and scrupulously objective, and free of both the optimistic rhetoric or the doom-laden foreboding that pervades much of the conservation literature. The overall message is that conservation efforts work in some instances, but not in others. What works for one species does not necessarily work for another. The book is thus an invaluable resource for anyone designing a new conservation project and it should lead to better-designed and better-informed conservation efforts in the future. It should also lead to a better use of limited resources, both financial and human, by enabling project designers to focus on procedures the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated.

Some of the results of the analyses presented in this book are surprising and thought provoking. For many years I participated in a ‘help a toad across the road' exercise, going out at night to rescue migrating toads from a busy road before they were squashed. There are many such exercises in the UK, resulting in the apparent rescue of thousands of toads each year. The evidence suggests, however, that the impact of such activity on toad population sizes is rather modest. However, toad rescues are a low-cost activity that achieves the invaluable objectives of involving local people and raising awareness of conservation issues. In contrast, the translocation of Great Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus) in Britain incurs huge costs for developers, but yields low returns in terms of the successful long-term establishment of new populations.

Sadly, amphibians across the world are threatened by a variety of factors that cannot be addressed by dedicated groups of people working at the local level. Much of the habitat deterioration and destruction that is causing amphibian declines is global in origin, resulting from pollution and climate change. Reversing the results of these processes lies not with local groups but with the world's political and industrial leaders, who show no sign of deviating from their pursuit of the continuing economic growth that threatens our planet's biodiversity. This excellent book reports many successful attempts to conserve amphibians at a local scale but, globally, the sixth mass extinction continues to gather pace.

(Dr Oxford UK Tim Halliday Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology)

To properly evaluate this book, I focused this review on four (out of many) subjects of personal interest. The first takes me back to my childhood in suburban Brookfield, Illinois. The one and only amphibian inhabiting the world of my youth was the American toad, Anaxyrus (a. k. a. Bufo) americanus. I encountered toads in the nearby forest preserve, in neighborhood yards and gardens, as well as in the street as they fed on insects under the light of street lamps in the evening. In addi- tion, I often observed --- with anguish --- toads at the bottom of storm drains that were built into the roadbed adjacent to the curb. Because each storm drain was covered with an immov- able steel grate, I was unable to extract the entrapped toads. Over time, the toads succumbed to starvation and/or desiccation. Did the authors of Amphibian Conservation consider this threat to amphibians and, if so, did they find a solution? Indeed, they had.

In the “ Threat: Transportation and service corridors” chapter, I found a subsection entitled, “ Modify gully pots andkerbs. ” In the United Kingdom, the terms “gully pot” and “kerb” are synonymous with our “storm drain” and “curb” respectively. Research in Europe found that separating storm drains from the curb by 4 inches decreased the number of great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) that fell in by 80%. Intrigued, I searched the internet and found the original article. Separation of the storm drain from the adjacent curb is achieved by replac- ing the standard section of curb with a section that has a recessed wall. Small animals following the curb wall diverge slightly into the recessed portion, thus avoiding the storm drain. This modified curb provides a simple solution to my vexing childhood dilemma of what to do about toads falling into storm drains. Perhaps urban/suburban readers of the Bulletin can lobby their respective community leaders to implement this solution in their neighborhoods. Interested readers are encouraged to visit www. aco. co. uk to learn more about these commercially-produced modified curbs.

As field herpetologists know, many of our more interesting amphibians cannot successfully reproduce in water bodies harboring large, predatory fishes. These fishes (sunfishes, in particular) look upon frog and salamander larvae as delectable treats. Paradoxically, I have captured larvae of fish-intolerant amphibian species co-existing with predatory fishes. How is this possible? Invariably, these larvae take refuge in aquatic vegetation.

Because a large number of people enjoy fishing, water bodies are commonly stocked with game fish. As a result, many otherwise suitable water bodies are off limits to amphibians that are palatable to fish. Perhaps it's possible, however, to encourage the presence of aquatic vegetation in fish ponds so they can also provide amphibian habitat. Did the authors of Amphibian Conservation consider this potential intervention? Yes, in Chapter 8, “ Threat: Invasive alien and other problematic species. ” Here, I found a subsection entitled, “ Encourage aquatic plant growth as refuge against fish predation. ” Unexpectedly, the authors did not find any studies demonstrating the efficacy of such an intervention. This result was surprising as I know relevant literature exists. Two studies come to mind, one conducted in the laboratory (Baber and Babbitt, 2004) and the other in the field (Shulse et al. , 2012). Although both provide valuable support for providing aquatic vegetation as a means to protect amphibian larvae from fish predation --- evidence that could inform real-world solutions --- neither appeared to meet the criteria for inclusion in the book. The exclusion of these studies illustrates the necessity of looking beyond the literature captured by the Conservation Evidence Project (as encouraged by the authors).

Worldwide, wetland losses have been enormous (Zedler and Kercher, 2005). Wetland loss is one of the greatest threats to amphibians because so many species rely on them for reproduction. How is this addressed in Amphibian Conservation? Chapter 12, “ Habitat restoration and creation” provides numerous examples of interventions that have been implemented to miti- gate the loss of amphibian habitat, including the creation of ponds and wetlands. I was heartened to see the substantial collection of literature pertaining to this subject. Humans are very adept at tinkering with their surroundings, whether it be for human benefit (e. g. , draining a marsh to increase agricultural acreage) or the benefit of wildlife (e. g. , creating a wetland). The popularity and proven benefits of habitat restoration and creation is evidenced by the length of this chapter which, at 54 pages, is the longest in the book. The authors did an excellent job of providing readers with a treasure trove of information on the subject. More than any other chapter, this one gives the reader the greatest feeling of hope. The literature shows that when provided with a new home, amphibians will move in.

Amphibian Conservation is a welcome antidote to the proliferation of depressing reports of amphibian declines. The book is packed with literature summaries and citations; a veritable information goldmine for graduate students and researchers. It also admirably provides decision makers with a well-researched resource of proven interventions that can be employed to stem/reverse the decline of amphibian populations. The free, downloadable pdf version and other relatively inexpensive formats that are available (eBook, for example) generously provide individuals who lack deep pockets access to this significant source of information. Interventions described in the book are available at the Conservation Evidence Project website (www. where one can also peruse the open-access journal Conservation Evidence. My only caution for the reader is to take seriously the authors' advice and perform supplementary reviews of the literature for their particular topic or species of interest. To do otherwise risks missing pertinent and important information not captured in Amphibian Conservation.

(John G. Palis Chicago Herpetological Society)

About the Author

Dr Rebecca K. Smith is a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge. She holds degrees in the ecology & conservation of European hares (PhD, University of Bristol), Applied Ecology & Conservation (MSc, University of East Anglia) and Biology (BSc with Honours, University of Bristol). Dr Smith is part of the Conservation Evidence group at the University of Cambridge, which focuses on summarising and disseminating scientific evidence about the effects of conservation interventions for habitats and species. She is an author of the Farmland Conservation synopsis and has undertaken systematic reviews on the effectiveness of conservation management for birds. Prior to this work Dr Smith undertook projects developing monitoring and management strategies for high conservation priority mammal species. Her current scientific duties include facilitating the development of further synopses including bat, reptile and forest conservation and invasive species management. She is also the Editorial Administrator of the Conservation Evidence Journal.

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. PDF Freely Available By R. Maynard This is not a review of the book and its content, but a note to make those interested aware that an electronic version is available free online. A Google search of the title will provide the link (at least at the time of this post, and should continue to do so as it was intended to be accessible to researches, grad students, etc). I have not posted the link here, as it may be deleted by their filter (?). No need to spend money on a kindle version.

See all 1 customer reviews... Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland PDF
Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland iBooks
Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland ePub
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Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland AZW
Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland Kindle

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland
Amphibian Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Synopses of Conservation Evidence Book 4), by Rebecca K. Smith, William J. Sutherland

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From the author of The Dead Planet Series, this is a science fiction thriller exclusively on Kindle. A utopian world has one flaw and his name is Mikael. After The Great War, Felestia became what it was meant to be, a world of peace, a world of hope. The Seratian Dynasty became more than a dream. It became a way of life. That is, until Mikeal discovers a truth that will turn their utopian society upside down as the wool is pulled from their eyes. A ruse so devastating that society may crumble.

RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1363600 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-17
  • Released on: 2015-05-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera

About the Author Drew Avera, author of The Dead Planet Series, is a science fiction writer residing in Virginia. Originally from Mississippi, Drew spent his youthdreaming up stories that would take him beyond the confines of the ruralsouth, somewhere beyond the stars. Now, as an adult, he bringsthose faraway places to life in his books and stories. Inside his booksyou will find characters full of conflict, fighting the good fight, andtrying to find that glimmer of hope that might be their last chance atredemption. Not every hero succeeds, but sometimes their fight is enoughto provide hope to a future that is darker than you think.

RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I Wished It Would Keep Going By Nikolas P. Robinson Drew Avera created something pretty impressive with Ruse. This is an exciting and thoroughly captivating short story.A world unfolds in just this short piece of fiction in which the nature of perceived vs. actual reality is called into question, where a sense of very real fear and panic is palpable in the protagonist as he learns alarming truths about the world around him and the only possible response is to run or to rebel.Regardless of how self-encapsulated Ruse was, I finished this story hoping that there would be more. I felt a sincere desire to read more of what came before and what would follow the events of this narrative.I would definitely recommend taking a chance on this one if you're looking for a new science fiction author to enjoy.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. If you haven't read the author's other works, this is a decent introduction. By DabOfDarkness Mikael and his friend Geoff are about to have the worst day of their young lives. Set in a sweeping backdrop of empires and dynasties, this one walled off city is about to learn a hard truth.I’m no stranger to the works of Drew Avera and have enjoyed several of his short stories and novels. In this particular tale, the focus is primarily on Mikael and a few hours of his life. His looks set him apart from the other citizens of Felestia and he takes some teasing for that. He’s often wondered about his parentage. His good friend Geoff doesn’t care about his looks. Mikael runs afoul of the Enforcers when he stumbles upon an odd sight. What follows is the reveal of a big ploy that is being played on all the citizens.So if you have read Avera’s Reich, which I have, then you will note that the main plot device in Ruse is the same as a major plot device used in Reich. Because of that, I could see very early on where the story was going and therefore I believe I had less enjoyment in this tale than I would have otherwise. The plot device was shortened and lifted from a future Earth to this city of Felestia and the names of the characters were changed. Quite frankly, I felt just a touch cheated that Avera hadn’t given me anything new in this story.Setting that aside, Felestia is described as this utopian society but the story never shows us what that means for the citizens. The tale focuses very tightly on Mikael, so we see very little of what is going on outside of these few hours in his life. I would have liked a little more on the setting to flesh things out.The plot does move along very quickly and so I was never bored with it. Mikael is the underdog hero of this story and I couldn’t help but root for him. The ending was a little unexpected but made perfectly logical sense given the controlling government. If you haven’t read any of this author’s works, or perhaps you have just touched on his stuff, this would be a good introduction piece.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Quick Read That Stays With You By dcwrites This dark short story is a quick read, but it will stay with you long after you finish it. Mikael is a young adult living in a highly oppressive dystopian society. He looks different from all other society members and dares to voice some doubts about the "Seratian Dynasty" under which they are ruled. His only friend is unfairly punished for his contact with him, his mother is insulted and Mikael must make a life-and-death decision that will change everything. The ending does not leave hope for a sequel, unless one were based on a different character. The story stands alone quite well.On a technical note, I read RUSE on my laptop. It opened in two-column format and the columns, even after adjusting window and text size, were too narrow for ease of reading. This was exacerbated by justified text. I changed to the one-column view, which helped, although the unequal margins left me feeling off center.Give this story a look. Avera never fails to deliver action, tension and a satisfying tale. If you like dystopian fiction and don't have much time at the moment to indulge your desire, RUSE is ideal.

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RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera

RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera

RUSE: A SciFi Short Story, by Drew Avera
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Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

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Where to Download El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excelente libro By Santiago Excelente libro, totalmente recomendable

See all 1 customer reviews... El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas

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El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas iBooks
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El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas

El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas

El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas
El baile de los ávidos (Spanish Edition), by José Neira Rodas

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods),

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Well, still confused of the best ways to get this e-book Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan here without going outside? Simply connect your computer or gizmo to the web and also begin downloading and install Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan Where? This page will reveal you the web link page to download and install Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan You never fret, your preferred publication will certainly be quicker yours now. It will be a lot easier to delight in reading Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan by on the internet or obtaining the soft data on your gadget. It will certainly regardless of which you are and just what you are. This e-book Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan is created for public and also you are just one of them that could enjoy reading of this book Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across The Country (Farmhouse Foods), By Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Download Ebook Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Are you reminiscing on those comfort foods served to you in the country by your grandparents or distant relatives? Are you looking for those Native American dishes that you tasted on a recent vacation in the country? Do you want to learn to cook these recipes in your kitchen? Native American favorites can make you remember not only your past but also the nation’s history as a whole. It represents the rich culture and diversity that America has as reflected with its assorted ingredients and different preparations. This book will share with you more than 50 recipes to help you prepare those all time favorites right at the comforts of your home. You do not have to go across the country to taste them! You can enjoy them anytime!

Inside you will learn about:

• Beef and meat recipes • Poultry recipes • Fish and seafood • Veggies • Soups and stews • Breakfasts, snacks, and desserts Once you have learned the recipes in this book, you can start to make your own memories with these delicious, easy to prepare and most importantly, these memorable recipes that you can share with your family, friends and other loved ones. Don’t wait another minute! The sooner you learn these recipes, the sooner you can enjoy the rich culture of the country and the food that represents it! With enough recipes to last you for more than a month, you will have a new recipe every day! Don’t delay. Download this book now.

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #502234 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-17
  • Released on: 2015-09-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Where to Download Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. NOT a Native American cookbook - Worst title ever. By Mamabear Cherei WORST Native American cookbook EVER. I'm so glad I got this one for free. Change the title to American faves. No frybread recipes. No Indian tacos. No bullets. (yes.. that is a name of a Native American stew).. though the spelling is boulette or something like that. No jerky recipes. No indian corn recipes. No wild rice recipes.The author owes all Native Americans an apology.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Just a recipe book... By Herbert L Yancey Jr. When I saw Native American, I was thinking American Indian. A few recipes can fall into that category, but this is just a short cookbook. Nothing special. Title is misleading, should be just American favorites.....

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I appreciate your book By SteveR While looking for an American recipe book I accidentally saw this book. I got curious about the taste of Native American favorites. Yes, I tasted already some Native American dishes and they are awesome and somehow same taste of this new age American dishes. When I started reading this book different amazing recipes and I don’t really know if it is really Native American recipes but I totally enjoyed it. I am thinking that I will try these recipes when I got enough time and I hope I don’t fail trying this.

See all 11 customer reviews... Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan PDF
Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan iBooks
Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan ePub
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Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan AZW
Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan Kindle

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan
Native American Favorites: Over 50 Delicious, Passed Down Recipes Across the Country (Farmhouse Foods), by Sherry Morgan

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Starting from seeing this website, you have actually tried to begin loving reviewing a book Roadside Cross, By Sam Weller This is specialized website that sell hundreds compilations of publications Roadside Cross, By Sam Weller from lots sources. So, you won't be burnt out anymore to choose the book. Besides, if you additionally have no time at all to browse the book Roadside Cross, By Sam Weller, simply rest when you remain in office and open the web browser. You can find this Roadside Cross, By Sam Weller inn this website by linking to the web.

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Ebook PDF Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Every year, on the same night in November, a bouquet of flowers, a vintage bottle of wine, and a handwritten note appear next to a small wooden cross on the side of a lonely country highway. Year after year, it's the same offering at the same time. On his way home from work at the factory, Tom notices these roadside tributes and wonders who the mysterious mourner might be. Despite warnings from a superstitious friend, Tom stakes out the area to see who it is that comes to this remote place along the highway. But he quickly discovers that some mysteries are better left unsolved, and sometimes the dead must mourn their own.

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #183121 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 29 minutes
Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Where to Download Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Best Sam Weller Fiction So Far By Andrew M Burnside-Weaver "Roadside Cross" is a story that means something. It is a wonderful, chilling ghost story to be sure, it is also deeply human. His best story yet once again accomplishes what his other contributions this genre do - they draw you in contemplating the character, and they escort you out contemplating yourself. Enjoy this story, then get your hands on Weller's "The Shadows Behind the Trees," "Conjuring Danny Squires," "The Girl in the Funeral Parlor," and "Live Forever!"

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Poignant and engaging! By Siobhan R. Thompson This was one of the best stories that I've read in a long time. It has everything you need--death, sadness, unrequited love, and even a bit of horror. It's authentic to its setting and authentic to the human experience of love, of loss. I definitely recommend reading this to anyone who happens by it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This is one of the most beautiful pieces I've read in a long time By WillyWonka91 This is one of the most beautiful pieces I've read in a long time. Weller writes this genre piece and cracks right through that ceiling of stigmatization that genre fiction is somehow less that literary. The protagonist of this story is a fully developed person, and we see his thoughts, feelings, emotions, and anxieties as tension builds in the story. There's also an element of romance tied into what could be considered a ghost story by some, but beyond a bit of playing with my brain and making me really think about things like afterlife, ghosts, spirituality, and other things, I didn't think it was particularly scary. However, I think most good scary stories are those that challenge your brain's anxiety level, suspense, and intellect throughout the piece rather than hashing out blood and guts. I highly recommend this story.

See all 9 customer reviews... Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

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Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller ePub
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Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller Kindle

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller
Roadside Cross, by Sam Weller

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special),

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Reading the publication Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), By Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks by on-line could be additionally done quickly every where you are. It appears that waiting the bus on the shelter, waiting the listing for line, or various other places possible. This Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), By Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks can accompany you in that time. It will not make you feel bored. Besides, through this will certainly also enhance your life high quality.

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Ebook PDF Online Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy

ISSUE 14: May 2015

Mike Resnick, Editor

Jean Rabe, Assistant Editor

Shahid Mahmud, Publisher

Stories by: Robert A. Heinlein, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, Harry Turtledove, C. Stuart Hardwick, Michael Bishop, Sean Williams, Nancy Kress, Anna Wu, Tom Gerencer, Alan Dean Foster Larry Niven

Serialization: Melodies of the Heart by Michael Flynn

Columns by: Barry Malzberg, Gregory Benford

Book Reviews: Jody Lynn Nye and Bill Fawcett

Interview: Joy Ward interviews David Brin

Galaxy's Edge is a bi-monthly (every two months) magazine published by Phoenix Pick, the science fiction and fantasy imprint of Arc Manor, an award winning independent press based in Maryland. Each issue of the magazine has a mix of new and old (reprint) stories, a serialization of a novel, columns by Barry Malzberg and Gregory Benford, book reviews by Paul Cook and an interview conducted by Joy Ward.

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1448752 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.69" h x .22" w x 7.44" l, .46 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 108 pages
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

About the Author Larry Niven is the award-winning author of the Ringworld series, along with many other science fiction masterpieces and fantasy including the Magic Goes Away series. His "Beowulf's Children", co-authored with Jerry Pournelle and Steven Barnes, was a New York Times bestseller. He has received the Nebula Award, five Hugos, four Locus Awards, two Ditmars, the Prometheus, and the Robert A. Heinlein Award, among other honors. He lives in Chatsworth, California.

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Where to Download Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. a love of the world By dcwrites Luck of the Chieftain's Arrow, by C. Stuart Hardwick, is everything I want in a short story: the history of humankind; masterful descriptive language; a love of the world, its sadness, ignorance and aching poignancy; adventure and misadventure; promises (or at least potentialities); and surprising turns.In tracing the journey of an element, Hardwick describes all of us and our journeys. The sea, especially, calls forth the taste of copper, as the sweat of ancient warriors evokes its smell. Somehow, in brief, this is a story of conflict evolving from its most elemental to form to that same form overlain with the complications of mass and technology. Sacrifice, sometimes mutual, figures into all of our stories and so it is with this one. It is also a story of hope because, after all, vicissitudes may not always give way to despair.I would prefer to see a physical scene break between the first and second story elements like the one used between subsequent scenes. Other than that small housekeeping note, I would change not a ghost.

See all 1 customer reviews... Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks PDF
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks iBooks
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks ePub
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks rtf
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks AZW
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks Kindle

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special), by Mike Resnick, Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

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Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Read Online and Download Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry is a book that is near and dear to my heart because of the rivalry that has transpired among my siblings and I. I describe this book as therapy for the soul. Sibling Rivalry is the clear depiction of various facets of rivalry within the home. This book will help you to understand where rivalry in the home derives from and possibly help you to understand your own personal situation. Sibling Rivalry is structured to help break generational curses, heal, forgive, and restore love that has been lost. Revelation states that Cain and Abel where the very first Rivals amongst siblings. Cain's jealous nature left their parents without both of their children. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and because the Lord showed favor over Abel. Cain did not have to be jealous of his brother because God had told Cain how to receive favor for himself. Jealousy and anger was so deeply rooted inside of Cain until it made him commit murder. Cain would have rather killed his own sibling then to take the advice of the Lord God our Savior. God was not pleased with what Cain had done so God cursed Cain. This books reveals different types of rivalry inside of the home.

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4859408 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-14
  • Released on: 2015-05-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .30" w x 5.50" l, .35 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 120 pages
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

About the Author Patricia was born and raised in Newark New Jersey and migrated to Texas in 2007. A Southern Belle at heart but a Jersey Girl for life. Patricia attends the Potter's House of Dallas where she serves as a member of Mega Care and the Starting Over Ministry. Patricia is also an advocate for battered women and an alumni of God's Leading Ladies in which she graduated with honors. Patricia love's listening to Gospel and R&B music. Some of her favorite musicians are Kem, Leela James, Chrisette Michele, Maxwell, Tamela Mann and Mary Mary. She often enjoys watching HGTV and several cooking shows. Patricia enjoy's cooking scrap booking making flower arrangements and interior decorating. Patricia has a great passion for writing and helping others. Family and friends would describe Patricia as kind gentle dependable honest trust worthy fun and sold out for the Lord.

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Where to Download Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Must Read By sharon crawford I just started reading this and can't put it down. A must read to understand what happens in families across the country and that your family is not the only one going thru these things.

See all 1 customer reviews... Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford PDF
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford iBooks
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford ePub
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford rtf
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford AZW
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford Kindle

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford
Sibling Rivalry, by Patricia S. Crawford

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

In reading Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, By Ian Thompson, currently you may not additionally do traditionally. In this modern-day period, device as well as computer will certainly help you so much. This is the moment for you to open up the gizmo as well as stay in this website. It is the appropriate doing. You can see the link to download this Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, By Ian Thompson below, can not you? Merely click the web link as well as negotiate to download it. You can reach buy the book Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, By Ian Thompson by on the internet and also prepared to download and install. It is quite different with the conventional way by gong to the book establishment around your city.

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Free PDF Ebook Online Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear is a short tale from the Era Of Darkness, set just before the demonic invasion... A taste of the carnage to come. When a small scouting camp encounters a fearsome intruder, a peaceful night erupts into bloody violence. Survival may come at a price that will change a man forever. Bloodfury & Fear is a standalone story taken from Era Of Darkness Vol I. This is the Extended Version, with two additional bonus chapters. The Era Of Darkness... A world facing annihilation. Epic battles and gritty action. Dark magic and horrendous monstrosities. Impossible odds. Defeat and despair. This is the first of the Short Tales From The Era Of Darkness. Watch out for the Survival spin-off series, beginning with ‘Survival I: Slaughter At Ghastar’. Both Volumes of the Era Of Darkness are now available. From 5-Star Reviews for Era Of Darkness - Volume I: “...intense battles, incredible dark magic... so many twists and turns... I loved it” “I was completely sucked in and captivated from the first page” “...mixture of fantasy, mystery, loyalty that make it a one of a kind story” “Wonderful characters and an even better story” “Fast and furious paced action fantasy... Great characters... Battles are huge and bloodthirsty” “I was impressed by the quality of the storytelling... an enthralling mix... a solid read”

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3301535 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-04
  • Released on: 2015-05-04
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Where to Download Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good Quality Fantasy By Frank Wright This short story is vividly descriptive with an almost metered artistry.One of the hardest things to find as a reader of fantasy is a suitable description of violence. Fantasy authors either use descriptions that are familiar to readers or create a new type of violence that usually falls flat because it seems as unreal as it is. Descriptions of violence here have a very nice balance of both.The emotional impact of the violence described was not diminished in any way by the fact that readers have never heard of these creatures before.This story is written to give some insight into the larger tale and seems to be a perfect sample of the story it introduces. Some characters are introduced along with some backstory and thanks to a couple of bonus chapters there is a sneak peek of what happens after the events of this story take place. If the quality of storytelling holds for the entire tale I feel like readers everywhere will be in for a treat.

See all 1 customer reviews... Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson PDF
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson iBooks
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson ePub
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson rtf
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson AZW
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson Kindle

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson
Bloodfury & Fear: A Short Tale From The Era Of Darkness, by Ian Thompson

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Find out the technique of doing something from many sources. Among them is this book entitle Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, By Stephen Slade It is an effectively recognized book Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, By Stephen Slade that can be recommendation to check out currently. This advised publication is one of the all terrific Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, By Stephen Slade compilations that remain in this site. You will certainly likewise locate other title and also motifs from various writers to browse here.

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Best PDF Ebook Online Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

This work presents a goal-based model of decision making in which the relative priorities of goals drive the decision process -- a psychological alternative to traditional decision analysis. Building on the work of Schank and Abelson, the author uses goals as the basis for a model of interpersonal relations which permits decisions to incorporate personal and adopted goals in a uniform manner. The theory is modelled on the VOTE computer program which simulates Congressional roll-call voting decisions. The VOTE program expands traditional decision making and simulation models by providing not only a choice, but also a natural language explanation, in either English or French. It simulates real members of Congress voting on real bills, and producing reasonable explanations. The program is consistent with much of the descriptive political science literature on Congressional decision making and provides an explicit model of political issues, relationships, and strategies that converge in voting behavior. In developing the VOTE program, the author draws on his own practical experience in politics from four presidential campaigns and the White House. Given the underlying psychological basis of the program, VOTE can be extended to other decision making domains different from politics. Another use for the program is to simulate business decisions such as securities analysis, as well as mundane decision making such as choosing a college or deciding whether to get a Mohawk haircut.

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .70" w x 5.90" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 300 pages
Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade


Two central issues in psychology and artificial intelligence are goals and interpersonal relationships. Reasoning about goals is a fundamental aspect of human behavior. Intelligent agents are not solitary actors, but must make decisions with respect to the goals and plans of others. Slade has built a model that uses the framework of Schank and Abelson (1977) to predict the voting behavior of members of Congress. To do this he had to deal with much that was left out of that initial work and has thus built a stronger model of planful behavior. Slade's work constitutes a fascinating new model of decision making done within a strong theoretical framework based on an analysis of human memory.—Roger SchankNorthwestern University

...well-researched and thorough, as well as broadly appealing. I would expect it to be of interest to cognitive scientists working on models of decision making and problem solving, and to artificial intelligence researchers.—Thomas HinrichsILS, Northwestern University

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Where to Download Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent and inspiring! By A Customer for people interested in multi-agent systems, artificial societies, decision making

See all 1 customer reviews... Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade PDF
Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade iBooks
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Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade AZW
Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade Kindle

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade
Goal-based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, by Stephen Slade

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, By Tracey Zabar. Learning to have reading behavior is like learning how to try for consuming something that you really do not want. It will need even more times to help. Moreover, it will additionally little force to offer the food to your mouth and swallow it. Well, as reading a book Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, By Tracey Zabar, often, if you should check out something for your new tasks, you will really feel so lightheaded of it. Also it is a publication like Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, By Tracey Zabar; it will certainly make you feel so bad.

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Best PDF Ebook Online Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

A delectable collection of innovative chocolate chip recipes by world-renowned chefs, pastry chefs, and bakers. Chocolate chip cookies, bursting with melted bits of chocolate, are the perennial favorite of many Americans. For this compilation, Zabar has reached out to the celebrated icons of the baking world to collect an amazing array of user-friendly recipes beyond the classic cookie. There are the signature creations of such top restaurants as Manhattan’s Daniel, Gramercy Tavern, and Betony, and California’s the French Laundry, while others are treasured family recipes. Chefs such as Jacques Torres, Daniel Boulud, Lidia Bastianich, Dominique Ansel, and Sherry Yard share such classics as shortbread cookies and angel food cake studded with chips. Some reinterpret the cookie and make giant variations, such as Florian Bellanger’s Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies, while others include add-ins like fresh fruit and nuts, or fold in pretzels and candied orange rind. Puddings, pies, ice-cream sandwiches, cakes, doughnuts, brownies, marshmallows, and waffles, oozing with chocolate, are part of the mix.  In this beautifully photographed volume, Zabar discusses how to bake with the variety of flavorful chocolate bits available—ranging from traditional chips and pistoles (or coins) to pearls. Chocolate Chip Sweets will appeal to discriminating chocolate chip lovers who crave this satisfying taste sensation.

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #761250 in Books
  • Brand: Rizzoli International Publications
  • Published on: 2015-09-22
  • Released on: 2015-09-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.40" h x .80" w x 7.53" l, 1.25 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 176 pages
Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Where to Download Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Very good book By Alphalover The four things I baked turned out great in appearance and I liked the taste of them all except for the chocolate chip cookies, the first thing I baked out of this. There are still quite a few things I want to make out of the book, including several more chocolate chip cookie recipes. There aren't enough photos of the finished products and I wish publishers would understand the importance of them. I prefer to see what I'm baking before I actually bake it.There's a good variety of recipes, like cookies, cakes, muffins, pies, and so on. I like that you can omit chocolate chips and substitute other things in place of them, like dried fruits and nuts, and create your own recipes. I'm pretty happy with this book and can't wait to try more recipes.I received this from the publisher in exchange for an honest review._________________________________THINGS I MADE:JACQUES TORRES CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES- This cookie is the one on the books cover. It looks a lot better than it tasted. It's very buttery. It's attractive but I don't care for the flavor of them and wouldn't make them again. The dough balls spread out nicely and I love the crackle top.RASPBERRY MUFFINS- These are incredibly moist, almost too moist because of the raspberries. The tops were gummy the next day. They're not quite sweet enough. Despite those things this is a very good recipe. The muffin cups are almost 2" in diameter. The baked muffin tops are flat like in the photo in the book.the chocolate and used whole milk in place of cream. They're supposed to be made with cake flour but I used all-purpose and just left out two tablespoons of it. I made half the recipe and got 23, using a 1 tablespoon cookie scoop to measure out the batter.PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES- These are beyond great and worth the price of the book. They have oats in them and only three tablespoons of peanut butter. I was positive I wouldn't be able to taste the peanut butter but I was wrong. I can taste and smell it. I think someone experimented with an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe by adding a little peanut butter to it and that's how this recipe came to be. Just for the heck of it I'll add an extra tablespoon of peanut butter to make 1/4 cup/4 tablespoons.OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES- These turned out great. I made half the recipe. I left out the chocolate chips and added chopped pecans and cinnamon. We were told to let the melted butter cool 'slightly' so I let it cool for just ten minutes. The temperature dropped 30 degrees, from 136 down to 106 Fahrenheit. I got 38 dough balls using a 1 1/2" diameter/1 tablespoon scoop. It took eighty minutes for the dough to be firm enough to scoop out. The dough spread out good and these baked in 10 1/2 minutes. My only complaint is that the dough needed more salt. I think I'll use 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon next time, not 3/4 teaspoon. I'll definitely make these again and maybe divide the dough in half, adding chocolate chips to one half.More detailed review here,

See all 1 customer reviews... Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar PDF
Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar iBooks
Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar ePub
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Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar AZW
Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar Kindle

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar
Chocolate Chip Sweets: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes, by Tracey Zabar

Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

The Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, By Juliet Sear tends to be excellent reading book that is understandable. This is why this book Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, By Juliet Sear comes to be a favorite book to review. Why do not you want turned into one of them? You could delight in reviewing Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, By Juliet Sear while doing various other activities. The existence of the soft file of this book Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, By Juliet Sear is kind of getting encounter quickly. It includes how you need to save the book Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, By Juliet Sear, not in racks of course. You might wait in your computer gadget as well as gizmo.

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

PDF Ebook Download : Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or dinner party, there’s no better way to celebrate than with a slice of glorious cake. In Cakeology, Juliet shows home bakers how to take your cakes to the next level with her favorite and most impressive projects.With a foreword by Buddy Valastro, of Cake Boss, this book is crammed with tips and tricks and features step-by-step photography to guide you at every stage, ensuring these projects can be mastered by everyone. Learn all elements of cake decoration, from making fondant flowers to hand-painting on icing. From the elegant wedding cake with intricate piping design to the fun burger cake, cookie explosion cake, or Piñata cake (with a surprise center), Juliet’s creations ensure you celebrate in style!

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #226771 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-08
  • Released on: 2015-09-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.01" h x 1.09" w x 8.09" l, 2.12 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Review "I'm not sure yet which is more impressive, Juliet's decorating skills or how good her cakes taste." -Buddy Valastro, of CAKE BOSS"Juliet's cakes are not only an exquisite vision of fantasy and precision, but a taste explosion of the highest degree." -Fearne Cotton"...practical as well as beautiful...From equipment to detailed techniques, Cakeology will give you cake-decorating ideas for years to come." -Karen Barnes, DELICIOUS"Juliet has been my go-to girl for all my celebration cakes for many years. She gets the balance of skill, flavour, texture and decoration just right every time." -Gizzi Erskine"If you haven't seen Juliet Sear's genius cakes, then I'm sorry, you haven't seen cakes." -Jo Elvin, GLAMOUR“I’d…make several rounds of her Vanilla Bean Sponge Cake and a batch of her Lemon Buttercream.” -Cree LeFavour, THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW

About the Author Juliet Sear owns a successful contemporary cake boutique, Fancy Nancy, and has made cakes for celebrities like Dizzee Rascal, McFly, Bryan Adams, and more. Juliet is UK ambassador for Cake Boss.

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Where to Download Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great book for learning new methods or just getting inspired. By jsander1123 This book is excellent! This is an easy read and the instructions are simple. I don't want to recreate every single cake in this book (except for maybe that rainbow cake on the cover!) but this book is inspiring and really gets your creative muses ticking. The first time I flipped through this book, I had so many moments where I would just stop and say to myself "Wow, that's a great idea. I wish I would've thought of that!"If you are looking for a cookbook, this is not for you. Yes, there are some recipes in here, but the majority of this books is about the tools, techniques, tricks, and tips that are necessary for making beautiful cakes.I highly recommend this book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By tabitha nordman I love this book.Great pictures and ideas.

See all 2 customer reviews... Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear PDF
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear iBooks
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear ePub
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear rtf
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear AZW
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear Kindle

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear
Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects, by Juliet Sear